Well, I’ve been leaving messages for Ava on her voice mail but she doesn’t reply so I found a way to get in touch with Mike through e-mail because he's on Facebook as well. Mike's e-mail reply said he thinks "she needs some time". I think five years is long enough to be separated from your family.
This is a hex! I can tell!
Just who is casting these hexes? I nominate the lawyers and judges who dealt with my divorce (among others) since they were the most successful in destroying my family and I and the doctors who were supposed to help Monica regain her health but dug her grave instead are fierce competitors. Could this be just another blood deal? Just who is pulling all the strings in a higher realm? Who would want to crucify and demise my children and I? As if I have to ask.
If everyone who goes through divorce takes a similar path that I’ve taken, and keep in mind that 10 out of 10 marriages end up in divorce in Canada, wouldn’t this troll the entire country? Then we wonder why our economy is going right down the tubes.
Most high school graduates go on to higher learning now compared to twenty years ago which means so many more lawyers, judges, doctors, etc., etc, than we ever had before. Well, these people need something to do so all of a sudden our divorce rates soar just so these lawyers can have something to do. We all have to dig deeper and deeper into our pockets to pull out every last penny to pay these higher learners who will tell you themselves that they deserve all the money more than we poor souls without a degrees. As far as higher learners are concerned they deserve all the money in the world. That leaves me on the way to the welfare roles just as they predicted.
If this theory holds true, and I believe it does, where does that leave our doctors? Is this why our cancer, heart & stroke, transplant rates etc., etc., are up? These doctors just need something to do so we poor souls without degrees can be their guinea pigs and it’s never ending.
The bottom line is that there is no need for the services of so, so many of these well trained professionals. What a waste of tax dollars!
I hear there’s a trend in the U.S. for teenage girls to get pregnant intentionally and drop out of school. Why not? There’s no jobs for them at this point so if they want to have children why not now? Maybe things will change. They can always go back to school when there’s job opportunities somewhere in the country. If this trend continues it will take us back in time a few decades to a simpler lifestyle and what’s wrong with that?
What does this have to do with finding Ava? It does now that we’ve taken this path and this how it’s come to this point. Ava, with a year of University under her belt is working with Mike at a bar. Monica is now volunteering in the Library and working five days a week, 9 - 5, when she feels well enough to get out of the house, and she's completed high school and one semester of College. My college diploma completed in 2003 might land me a Reception job but I just might end up on the Government's payroll doing absolutely nothing on the welfare rolls. What a waste of my inheritance that I spent on my education and several thousand dollars I spent to help my daughters with their College/University expenses! A few people told me about my inheritance, "You can't keep it." Looks like it can't be spent on anything productive/constructive either.
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