Well, I wasn't granted the privilege of seeing my daughter, Monica, on her 20th birthday on Saturday. I called Ava and left a message on her voice mail to remind her about Monica's birthday and I told her that I wished this charade would end but she didn't return my call. Monica tells me she doesn't hear from her often. I wonder if she's still alive and I know the authorities don't care if she is or not.
My Employment Insurance has come to an end and still I haven't found a job after all those resumes I sent. I was offered two part time jobs in retail, which would have been lovely places to work, but I can't live on part time pay or minimum wage. I called the temporary agency to remind them that I am still available but I didn't get a return phone call which leads me to believe they've left me behind. Funny, but I've been temping for so long and there has been so much movement in the workforce that I've lost track of my work references and I can't find them anymore so, I don't have any now. This will make finding another temp agency and a job rather difficult.
I've decided that, "Today is the first day of the rest of my life." I will take the bull by the horns and this morning I will make that phone call to The Ministry of Community and Social Services to start the application process for welfare. Oh, for joy! It's time I fall onto this benefit after living on a line of credit for the past three years and off my savings for four years prior to that and there's no break for me in the horizon that I can see, compliments of my Canadian divorce lawyer. They did me in! I'm sure they're cheering and having a party out there, somewhere at my expense.
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