

Dear Ava,

Since I didn't hear from you I followed through with the Police Report.
I included:
1) Not hearing from you or knowing your whereabouts for the past 7 months.
2) The slander done to me by Dan & His Bitch (now ex-wife) Dan's family members, my family members and you can add to it people who say they know me but don't, to the point of no return and me not being able to find employment and being persecuted for child abuse by my co-workers and superiors (not to mention "Hooking") all of which never happened, but thanks to the slander by Dan & his family, I have to put up with all this. Slander is a criminal offense. (That part's true).
3) Other miscellaneous details.
Yes, under the circumstances, they will follow up.
I'm picking your sister up to come for a visit today.If I disappear or any harm comes to me, they have the report. (That part's true)
I've decided to set up a BLOG "AVA WHERE ARE YOU, LOVE MOM, XOXOX" with all the sordid details that will put ~"MONICA'S MOTHER"~ to shame. It's in the works with your picture hoping someone who knows you will reply.



Has anyone else had a similar experience? Is there a pattern to this? I know of so many others who have taken this path after divorce. Is this a set-up?

Has anyone ever had their lawyer feed them this line after taking away their spousal support?

"It may be you in his new wife's shoes next. Who would want a man who pays a chunk of his income to his ex-wife? No one wants a man like that."

At this point you know you're on death row, compliments of your Canadian divorce lawyer.

I know what you're thinking ... ... this must be ~"The Curse of the Canadian Divorce Lawyer"~ deal. Yes, indeed it is! Well, since when can lawyers be trusted in Canada? Since when can anyone with a University degree be trusted in Canada? Yes, they can be trusted as long as they live a life of leisure, in the lap of luxury while keeping everyone else underfoot. Sounds to me like they want to fill the shoes of the Royal Family. What's the difference? The difference being that, YES, it is the Royal Family's place to have the upper hand in Canada and not the place of schmoes with University degrees.

Monday, December 21, 2009

It's Monday, December 21, 2009, and I Still Don't Know Where My Daughters Are!

Here's an excerpt from:

 ~ Harper in control as decade winds down but polls say Canada hasn't moved right ~
"Today Canada is talking tough on crime and stressing military pride, national security, "global energy superpower status," tax cuts and deficits."
We'll take note of this date and keep tabs on the progress.  It's been almost two years that my younger daughter, Monica, was abducted by my ex-husband so I should be seeing her any day now.  It's been about four years that I haven't seen Ava and I wonder if we'll even recognize each other should we meet again.  What about the rest of you who have been alienated from your children thereby making them and ourselves easy targets to abductions,  murder and other criminal activity, partly because we are alone and easy targets most of the time.

Not giving criminals the opportunity to commit crimes will reduce our crime rate.  But, what will lawyers do to earn an income and what will keep our justice system in the money if we succeed in reducing criminal activity in Canada?  Considering the clout these people have, it just won't happen.

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