I sent another email to Ava. I check Facebook periodically (although neither Ava or Mike will accept me as a "Friend") just to check the pictures and this time Mike & Ava are holding two newborns. I wondered if they were related to me?

Hi Ava,
How are things? I've been meaning to ask, since I found Mike on Facebook awhile ago, why does he shave his head bald? Every time I see someone with their head shaven it reminds me of that Orthodox Jewish thing. Remember that bible story of ~ Samson and Deliliah ~? And then there's that Orthodox Jewish tradition of the mother-in-law shaving the daughter-in-law's head bald and trimming her fingernails and toenails very close to the skin, until it bleeds, just before the wedding. Imagine all those Orthodox Jewish women are actually wearing wigs on their wedding day! Do you believe it? I heard it straight from the horses mouth.
Whose kids are those in the picture I attached? I hope I didn't miss the news that I'm a grandmother?
Mike tells me he's an orphan. Well, you picked that one right. You can't imagine all the trouble those in-laws cause.
... ...
Keep in touch!
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