Well, it may be one of my daughters or myself in ~ this woman’s shoes ~ next since it seems that’s just the way things go where women are concerned. I came to Toronto so I could have freedom of speech but, what I didn’t realize, was that I can say whatever I want because no one is listening or paying any attention. It’s been seven years that I’ve been reporting my ordeal to the authorities and the legal system but things just keep getting progressively worse. It’s been over a year that I haven’t seen my youngest daughter and about three that I haven’t seen my oldest. This cult ring just won’t get it’s hooks off of us and you can believe they’ll do whatever they want since the worst of them are in the legal system and the rest own those “B.A’s”. They curse you, they hex you, they blackball you, they take your children with them and brain wash them – it’s all part of the “Game”. Whatever it takes to destroy honest, law abiding people. It’s what “Game Players” do.
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