There has been quite a bit of coverage in the media on a story about a woman from Somalia who travelled to Nairobi, Kenya, without her son, and was reported to the authorities there by The Canadian High Commission because they thought her passport was bogus. The Toronto Star was able to bring her safely home to Toronto through their contacts. Here’s the story:
Well, I don’t have a passport, but if the High Commission were to see my drivers’ license and health card they’d put me in front of a firing squad because it just isn’t me in those photo ID’s.
The fact that this mother was separated from her son and jailed in Nairobi because of the actions of The Canadian High Commissions doesn’t surprise me. I was born in Canada, I’ve lived here all my life and have done very little travelling, but the authorities have done nothing to help me reunite with my children, and, although I promote The Toronto Star on my blogs, it hasn’t helped me to rectify the situation at all.
I wonder if this mother is divorced? Could it be that “The Curse of the Divorce Lawyer” travels with us wherever we go and it was just her turn to be jailed, as so many parents from divorced marriages are for what seems to be no reason whatsoever? I haven’t reached that phase yet but I have an inkling that my ex-husband has. No matter what actions I take there is no family reunion on the horizon.
Is it because I’m white? Is it because I’m not an immigrant? Is it because I don’t have any family members or supporters rallying for me? Why does Canada not have any legislation in place for parents to keep bonds with their children instead of promoting the “Born Free” philosophy?
There are so many children from divorced homes who end up homeless and living in hostels in the City of Toronto and their parents end up homeless, living in hostels and in basement apartments as well. How do I go about organizing a rally to bring this matter to the attention of our authorities? So far my actions, letters and emails have gotten some media attention but there is no one addressing the issues.
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